Colloquium Sander Dieleman – 17 mai 2016

Sander Dieleman a effectué son doctorat au Reservoir Lab de l’Université de Gand, en Belgique. Il est aujourd’hui chercheur au Google Deepmind, à Londres. Ses sujets de recherche sont l’apprentissage profond, le MIR (Music Information Retrieval), les systèmes de recommandations et le filtrage collaboratif, et les réseaux de neurones. SanderDieleman

Title: Deep learning for music, galaxies and plankton

Abstract: In recent years, deep learning has become a popular approach for speech and image recognition, and its application has substantially improved recognition systems in these domains. In this talk we’ll explore three different applications of deep learning: audio-based music recommendation, galaxy morphology classification and plankton species classification. We’ll take a closer look at solutions for these problems based on convolutional neural networks, two of which have been used to win Kaggle competitions.